Does Coffee Cause Gas? (Avoid Stinky Situations)


Coffee is a must-have energy booster for most of us who dislike early mornings, and many drinks it simply to enjoy its delicious flavor.

This delectable beverage also has some health benefits, including lowering the risk of stroke, diabetes, and coronary heart disease, particularly in women. Caffeine also improves cognitive performance and can help with weight loss.

However, while drinking coffee (in moderation) can be beneficial, it can also have some unfavorable side effects for some people. For example, coffee could be the case if you frequently feel bloated.

Does Coffee Give You Gas?

Coffee is a must-have energy booster for most of us
Coffee is a must-have energy booster for most of us

It is critical to remember that many of the components in coffee are difficult to digest. This can cause stomach upset and make it difficult for some people to break down the caffeine it contains.

Coffee contains three main ingredients that can cause bloating and gas. These are the ingredients:


It is common knowledge that coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is regarded as one of the most effective stimulants worldwide, but it has several adverse side effects on your body if consumed excessively.

Some gastrointestinal side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tremors, and dehydration. This can cause bloating, loss of appetite, and an inability to have regular bowel movements.


Fiber will help your body process food more efficiently, and most people do not consume enough of it. However, overeating fiber can cause bloating if you have a sensitive digestive system.


Natural sources of sorbitol include pears, apples, and peaches. This is a sweet substance that is also found in many cardiovascular medications. Sorbitol, used in laxatives, can cause gas and bloating if the body cannot break it down.

How to Avoid Coffee Bloat?

There are numerous methods to eliminate coffee bloat, which is more straightforward than you might think. Eating plenty of fresh, water-rich fruits and vegetables (especially potassium-rich bananas, strawberries, and kiwis) is the most important thing.

The good news is that you may not have to give up coffee entirely to eliminate bloating.
The good news is that you may not have to give up coffee entirely to eliminate bloating.

However, cruciferous vegetables should be avoided because they can aggravate bloating and cause gas.

  • Consume small, light meals that are free of sugar and salt.
  • Avoid processed foods high in sugar, salt, and artificial sweeteners.
  • Chew slowly so your stomach enzymes have enough time to digest the food.
  • If you have IBS, this is especially important for relieving bloating.
  • Avoid alcohol because it contains a lot of sugar and carbs that can aggravate bloating. Avoid dairy products and fizzy drinks if your body does not properly digest lactose.

Mineral water is the only carbonated beverage you should consume when you’re bloated. One study on the effects of carbonated water on constipation found that it can help digestion and contain nutrients.

Why Does Coffee Give You Gas?

drinking coffee indeed causes bloating in some people.
drinking coffee indeed causes bloating in some people.

Okay, let’s start with the good news if you’re a huge coffee fan: most people who get gassy after drinking coffee don’t have a problem with the coffee itself.

Coffee is more likely to cure gas than cause it because the caffeine stimulates your digestive system to start moving within four minutes of drinking a cup of coffee – and the more regular your bowel movements, the less likely you are to suffer from bloating.

However, drinking coffee indeed causes bloating in some people. One reason for this is that caffeine in coffee stimulates the production of stomach acid, which causes foods in the stomach to produce more gas than usual as they break down, resulting in coffee bloat, acid reflux, or symptoms such as burping after coffee.

The acidity of coffee causes irritation and gas in some people. However, this is not a normal reaction to coffee; if you experience coffee bloat, it’s more likely that something else in the brew is causing your problems.

Does Coffee Cause Bloating Or It help with Bloating?

Why Does Milk Cause Bloating?

There are several reasons why milk could be causing your bloating;

Lactose enters the large intestine undigested, and the gut bacteria that live there begin to break it down, resulting in gas production. However, you need not be lactose intolerant to react to milk.

Milk also contains beta-casein, which comprises two proteins, A1 and A2. While A2 does not affect the digestive tract when A1 is digested, it causes the release of a peptide that has been shown to cause digestive problems in animals – and it is now thought that the same thing occurs in humans.

Drinking coffee with milk may upset your stomach and make you feel bloated if you are one of the people who cannot tolerate A1.

Vitamin C0%
Vitamin D0%
Vitamin B60%
Nutrition info

Suggestions For Reducing Bloating

Here are a few more ways to use coffee to reduce bloating:

Keep hydrated. In addition to sipping water between coffee cups, staying hydrated is critical. Coffee has a mild diuretic effect, which means you’ll use the restroom more frequently after a cup or two in the morning.

Relax. Caffeine can boost your mood, but too much caffeine can set off your body’s stress response. Stress is a well-known cause of stomach bloating. If you continue drinking coffee, you should also find ways to manage stress.

Get your feet moving. Take the dog for a walk, practice your favorite yoga poses, or fire up the stationary bike. A little movement and exercise can help relieve belly bloat and aid digestion.

 Caffeine can boost your mood
Caffeine can boost your mood

Consider taking supplements. You may benefit from a regular digestive enzyme if you know your body’s triggers, such as dairy or coffee.

Some relieve gas after eating fibrous foods like cauliflower or cabbage, while others boost magnesium.

Avoid chewing gum and carbonated beverages. Gum increases the air you take into your body, which is a major cause of belly bloat. Carbonated drinks, such as sparkling water, have a similar effect, exacerbating the bloating symptoms.

Take note of the acidity. Coffee’s acidity can aggravate your digestive tract. Choose coffee substitutes like tea or low-acid coffee brand names like Golden Ratio to give your stomach a break and an anti-inflammatory effect. Low-acid brands are also a gentler method to that morning cup.

What Should You Do If Coffee Gives You Gas?

The good news is that you may not have to give up coffee entirely to eliminate bloating.
The good news is that you may not have to give up coffee entirely to eliminate bloating.

Moderate coffee consumption provides essential antioxidants, may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, and has even been shown to help people live longer lives (yes, even instant coffee can be healthy).
As a result, it is preferable to find a way to drink coffee without experiencing gas than to stop drinking it entirely.

And one way to do so is to make some simple changes to the type of coffee beans you use, what you put in your coffee, or how you drink it.

  • Choose lighter roasts. The more acidic the coffee, the more likely it is to irritate the stomach lining and cause bloating; lighter roasts are less acidic than dark roasts.
  • Consider Cold Brew Coffee. Because heat increases the acidity of coffee, choosing a cold brew, which does not use heat, may help reduce the effects on your stomach.

Important Takeaways

  • Coffee is a drink that can help you feel more energized and alert, but it can also have several adverse side effects.
  • Before you drink anything, you should understand what coffee’s chemicals can do to your body. It will help if you ground the beans yourself.
  • You can control the amount of caffeine and other substances in your drink this way and ensure that they are not added after the beans have been roasted.
  • Then, when brewing it, use only filtered water with no additives, as water is also used after burning.

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Caffeine aficionado and coffee student (if there's such a thing!). I've come to love coffee in recent years and share what I learn along the way on this website.

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