Hand Drip Coffee (All You Need To Know)

coffee makers

Pour over, another name for hand drip coffee brewing is a method for making coffee by hand. In the hand drip method, water is slowly and circularly poured over coffee grounds.

Making coffee by hand drip, instead of using a machine or a French press, produces a very smooth cup and doesn’t taste acidic or bitter.

For the true coffee connoisseur—someone who appreciates the distinctive flavor of premium coffee beans—hand drip coffee is the way to go.

Given how time-consuming it is, some might conclude that it is not worthwhile to attempt. But like every other step in the coffee-making process, it has something unique to offer.

grinding coffee beans
Hand Drip Coffee (All You Need To Know) For the best flavor, select single-origin, organic coffee beans.

Advantages of Hand-Drip coffee

In addition to the smooth flavor, hand-drip coffee has many other benefits.

  • Zero waste
  • Inexpensive
  • Smooth flavor
  • Custom made
  • Simple to brew
  • Easily maintained
  • Comparable brew time to other techniques

What You’ll Need for Hand Drip Coffee

You’ll require a different carafe or mug for coffee to pour into, depending on the style of hand drip maker you have.

A permanent filter. A regular kettle can also be used, but a gooseneck kettle makes it much simpler to pour spiral. Use an electric gooseneck kettle if possible to select the ideal temperature (or use a thermometer).

If you don’t purchase coffee beans that have already been ground, you’ll need a hero (Coffee grinder).

A scale and a timer are additional tools you might need, but they are superfluous. Some people measure the amount of coffee to pour using scales, and others time the intervals between pours utilizing a timer.

Hand Drip Advice

Owning your coffee grinder will ensure that the beans are as fresh and flavorful as possible. The moment coffee is ground, its flavor and aroma start to fade.

Since there are only two ingredients in hand-drip coffee, and water is one of them, filtered water is necessary. Water quality and purity should also be considered.

Boil water at the proper temperature; 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Coffee will taste bitter if the water is too hot.

This first pour is an essential pour when it comes to brewing hand-drip coffee. Make sure to slowly pour over the grounds in a circular motion to saturate them thoroughly.

Hand drip coffee maker
In the hand drip method, water is slowly and circularly poured over coffee grounds.

Hand Drip Coffee Makers

Since there are so many, shopping for the best hand-drip coffee maker can be overwhelming.

Here are a few of the best hand-drip coffee makers to narrow your search.

Chemex Hand Drip Coffee Maker

Chemex designs their hand-drip coffee makers to cover and refrigerate coffee for reheating without affecting the flavor.

Coffee tastes pure thanks to the non-porous Borosilicate glass used in Chemex coffee makers, which won’t absorb odors or chemical contaminants.

Kalita Wave Hand Drip

Kalita drippers have three holes, ensuring that “only deliciousness is dripped before the bitterness comes out.” They sell many types of hand drip makers as well as gooseneck kettles.

Hario Hand Drip

Hario hand drip coffee makers are made with the best water flow rate in mind, giving you the best-tasting cup of coffee possible.

Capacity300 Milliliters
Special FeatureManual
Coffee Maker TypePour Over

Making Hand-Drip Coffee

Learning how to brew hand-drip coffee is crucial to reap its full benefits. Once you master the proper method, doing so won’t require additional effort.

hand drip coffee pouring
In the hand drip method, water is slowly and circularly poured over coffee grounds.

Prepare coffee grounds and the filter.

  • To ensure proper drip speed, you should use your kettle to pour hot water through your filter paper (without any coffee). Then, empty your hand drip carafe of its water (this step is only for those using filter paper rather than a permanent filter).
  • If using a grinder, grind the coffee to a consistency similar to sea salt, then pour the grounds into the filter and give it a gentle tap with the hand drip to flatten them.
  • For every cup of water, you should use about three tablespoons of coffee beans (give or take, depending on how strong you like your coffee).

Boil water

  • The next step is to boil your water until it reaches 195 to 205 F, giving your coffee the best flavor. After boiling the water, let it stand for 30 seconds before pouring it over the grounds.

Pour “the bloom” first.

  • Because you’re only adding a tiny amount of water to saturate the coffee grounds during the first pour thoroughly, the floors will swell up and produce a bloom.

Obtaining “the bloom.”

  • Pour water slowly over the ground in a circle, working your way in from the outside. Make sure to saturate the coffee grounds thoroughly, but stop as soon as you reach the middle.
  • Watch the coffee grow until it blooms while you wait. Move on to the second pour as soon as the grounds stop blooming. You’ve poured too much water if it’s filling the carafe or mug quickly. This pour should barely cover all of the coffee.

Pour a second time

  • The second pour begins in the middle and moves outward to the outermost edge of the coffee grounds. Pour more coffee this time, but cover all the bases by moving slowly.
  • Before starting the third pour, let the coffee drain for about a minute.

Third pour

  • Before starting the fourth pour, let the coffee drain through for about a minute.

Fourth Pour

  • The fourth pour, which should be your final pour, follows the same procedure as the third.
  • Add more water to your second and third pours if you still have extra after the fourth pour.

Best coffee for Hand-drip coffee

Light to medium roast and single-origin beans work well with the Hand-drip technique. It’s a great way to sample unusual beans because it highlights the distinctive flavors and aromas of the beans.

Here’s a video that will teach you the easiest steps for making hand-drip coffee:

How to make hand-drip coffee

Drip Hand Filters

Depending on the hand drip maker you buy, different filters are available. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements before using any filters.

Some hand drip makers, like the Chemex, come with a built-in, permanent, or reusable filter.

Best Coffee Kettle for hand drips

Although a gooseneck kettle is not necessary to make hand-drip coffee, it does make the brewing process much simpler and more accurate.

The best kind of kettle for hand-drip coffee is a gooseneck kettle, preferably one that is electric and allows you to change the water’s temperature to the ideal level for hand-drip brewing.

Final Thoughts

  • Making coffee has become more scientific in this new coffee era.
  • Baristas use highly accurate scales and timers to measure water, ground coffee, and milk.
  • The coffee enjoyed by third-wave coffee connoisseurs differs in every tiny way.
  • The traditional method of making drip coffee by hand removes your coffee from the strange churnings of an advanced machine.
  • But only some enjoy the meticulous and delicate brewing process of hand-drip coffee.
  • Given how time-consuming it is, some might conclude that it is not worthwhile to attempt. But like every other step in the coffee-making process, it has something unique to offer.
  • You can customize your cup of coffee to your preferences thanks to its ability to give you total control.

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Caffeine aficionado and coffee student (if there's such a thing!). I've come to love coffee in recent years and share what I learn along the way on this website.

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